To Assure Large Crowds

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Here is how VIP Events, Inc. will successfully achieve large crowds:

*VIP events, Inc. /Dream Home Expo will be running a highly visible and skillfully selected advertising and publicity campaign designed for results such as radio, television, theater screens, newspapers, magazines, fliers, posters, etc.

*50,000 tickets will be given away free to potential home improvement buyers. We anticipate that these tickets will be in high demand and most likely we will end up giving away thousands more.   The distribution of the tickets will include our media partners, event sponsors, and exhibitors. There will be coupons in all of our print advertising such as newspapers, magazines, etc. which can be redeemed for two free tickets to Dream Home Expo. Furthermore, all public relations and advertisements such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and theater screens, etc. will state, “Go to for a complete listing of all sponsors and exhibitors who are giving away free tickets to the Dream Home Expo.”

*Budget to be spent on this year’s Dream Home Expo: Over $150,000.

*Media partners are excited and wholeheartedly committed to the ongoing success of Dream Home Expo.

*Low cost to the customer $5.00 plus, free parking.

VIP Events, Inc. wants Dream Home Expo to be a success for your company for years to come. That is why VIP Events, Inc. is giving away an introductory promotion this year – 50,000 free tickets. We want to make the first year dynamic and memorable. Your success will be the success of Dream Home Expo. Dreams come true at this year’s Dream Home Expo.

